Friday, April 28, 2006

Garden To Do List

Compost, Mulch, Lay Hoses. Everywhere.

I think I can clean out the grass and plant something under the diningroom window without too much trouble. But what? Something big like ligularia or smaller like Solomon's Seal? Maybe a nice bed of Monkshood. The dogs walk through that area all the time. I'm tempted to move one of the double file viburnums there.

Then I have to edge the bed that runs around the front corner of the house. and decide what I want to plant on the side of that bed facing the house. I've been pondering that one for five years.

Then there's those sale rhodos in the brick bed. Are they alive? Do I cut them right down?
Also, the little rhodo I planted in the backyard last year, has no buds. Do I move it?

And what to do with ll the snowberry bushes everywhere?

Remove the grass from under the prune plum and replace the two clematis that didn't make it.

I'm still fixated on a small water feature for the patio bed in the back.

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