Monday, April 17, 2006


Spring in early April, after the Winter that never was. Already the Witch Hazel's shredded pompon blooms have come and gone.

There's a small section of garden where I have Native Ontario Woodland plants. Liverwort (Hepatica Nobilis) is in bloom - both white and pink. The Spotted Trilliums (Trillium Cuneatum) are pushing up. Likewise, Lungwort. Fingers are crossed for the return of Jack-in-the-Pulpit. Last summer, the puppies ate through them like they were Snausages.

Hubby has now fenced in the entire upper garden and I can see the brave return of the Tree Peony that was eaten down to the ground.


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    your hepica look great-glad to hear you have j-in the -p and dogs did'nt eat them. Hope I get to the East York garden tour!

  2. Anonymous10:28 AM

    very nice pictures


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